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By Dr Ahnsup Kim
Blepharoplasty is a highly delicate cosmetic procedure which not only requires a good surgeon to yield successful results, but good after care as well. So let me take you through the essential post-surgical measures to ensure that you go through the healing process with no hassles and any risk for complications.
You can either have your blepharoplasty surgery done on an outpatient basis or in some cases requiring an overnight stay. This will depend on the individual’s specific condition. But generally around this time you might feel a little groggy which is why you need to arrange for someone to have to assist you, in driving home or in moving around the house.
Help is very important because you will be experiencing a temporary blurred vision for the first few days. So avoid driving alone for at least 2 weeks.
It would also be advisable to apply cold compress over the operated area for the first 48 hours after surgery. Do not use an ice bag for this because it can be too heavy and might disturb your wound. You can just use a clean washcloth and soak it in a basin of water with ice and apply it on the area. You can also use a Swiss therapy mask to lessen the effort. The rationale for applying cold compress is to lessen the swelling and bruising.
You also should not lie flat on bed for the first few hours and even days after surgery. It is best that you lie on a reclining position by stacking a couple of pillows to elevate your head. This is also another way for you to avoid any swelling to occur on the area for faster healing.
For you to heal faster allow yourself to relax and recuperate for the first few days. Avoid any strenuous activities such as sports, bending over, heavy lifting and even crying. The reason being that these can cause increased blood flow to the eyes which could cause bleeding, and in effect it delays healing.
Also you should stay away from any activity that can dry your eyes such reading, watching TV, wearing contact lenses, or using the computer.
In addition to that you should also wear dark sunglasses when going out to protect your eyes from the glare and heat of the sun, as well as the drying and irritating effect of the wind.
You can also use lubricating eye drops since your eyes would really have a tendency to dry up during this time.
You can already shower 48 hours after surgery, and should so every day with extra care. You can use a mild baby shampoo so as not to irritate the wound.
For the ladies, you should not wear make-up or false eyelashes for at least 2 weeks after surgery. You should also put off coloring your hair for 4 weeks.
Once the stitches will be removed a few days after blepharoplasty surgery, you should apply or take antibiotic ointments or capsules for the entire course prescribed by your surgeon. This serves as a preventive measure that wards off potential infections.
Just follow these simple instructions and any specific reminders that your surgeon tells you. Be disciplined in your after care regimen and you can certainly reduce healing time and any chances of complications.
About the Author: Avail the low average blepharoplasty cost and FREE CONSULTATION in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra at Advance Beauty Cosmetic Surgery
by checking their website here
. Dr Ahnsup Kim is a cosmetic surgeon who had years of experience on enhancing patient’s look via eyelid surgery. Feel free to add
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