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Play school activities
Vikash Roy
We should remember that there is no standard age for all kids to be admitted to a per-play school. Also, till the age of 5 years there should be no formal mode of instruction since it is the unstructured and social way of learning through experience that makes the best impact.
The right age to send your kid to play school varies with every toddler with the level of independence that s/he has developed. Ideally, the right range for sending kids to play school is between 18 months and 5 years. Furthermore, it depends on various factors whether or not the kid should be sent to preschool or not. One of these factors is potty training. It is advisable that a kid should be sent to playschool after he is potty trained. Assistance however can also be provided to the kid in case he needs it. For this purpose, there are special staffs at the playschool for the kids.
In play schools children are provided with the ‘right’ toys, i.e. those appropriate to their stage of development. Also, their play is guided so that it becomes a learning experience. The ideas is that children should transfer play behaviors such as feeding a doll, changing its clothes, etc. to themselves, and thus develop self-help skills.
The thinking is that if a child can go through the motions of feeding a doll, it will soon learn to feed itself. I remember when I was a kid me and friend used to go to playschool and there way kids play ground in that Marry-go round was my favorite .The friend of mine is to push the Marry go-round faster than you could imagine, there I use to feel the wind in my hair.
I certainly enjoyed them, basically the movement when the marry go round stops from the fast rotation and when I touch my feet on the ground I would fell like the whole world is moving with me that was my best experience in the marry go round, as I m sure most of my peers did, and I m alive to tell the tale. Although I will admit I also rode in cars without a seat belt, and rode bikes without a helmet. I wouldn t let my own kids do those things, safety measures can (and do) save lives.
Now days playschool are modernized they come up with lot more equipments which will help in the kid s development and also with lot of safety measures also like safety belts and safety floorings. So the parents like me don t have to worry about the kid s safety anymore and more over the teachers will be there to monitor the kids.
Educational benefits of the playschool: – Among the many benefits of an kid s playschool, that which many parents fail to appreciate is connected to their education. In fact, the educational benefits of playschool are possibly more than the social benefits like the kids will improve the communication which is the most important thing in the world which will help him in he s future academic years ,
Can easily understand the things and most important managing the time for both home work and play where most of the kids fail to do.
But mostly it s just a lot of fun. And I m glad it s there, because the kids all seem to enjoy it and that s what playschool are for. To give kids a place to have fun, test them, and play.
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Play school activities
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