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High durability, low cost, ease of construction and ample amount of availability has made steel a perfect choice for the fabrication of Steel tanks despite of its rusting phenomenon. Of course rusting is one of the common problematic features of steel. But still you may wonder why steel stands out of the rest as a top choice for making steel tanks. The real fact is that though materials like fiberglass, polypropylene, aluminum and stainless steel do not have rusting problems they do have their own problems on chemical grounds because if we take aluminum it is relatively weak whereas stainless steel and polypropylene needs special fabrication techniques.
Rusting can be controlled by coating the inner surface of the steel tank with corrosion resistant substances. Adding rust inhibiting chemicals or adding sacrificial anode can reduce the rusting effect over the steel tanks. Cold Galvanizing compounds always offers better degree of rust protection. The compounds used for galvanizing seals the steel tank both physically and chemically from moisture thereby reducing the effect of rusting. At the same time, galvanizing compounds and paints are not the same. Usually the composition of galvanizing compounds comprises of ninety five percent zinc and five percent liquid binders. The mechanism of galvanization works on the principle that whenever a galvanized surface gets scratched, the unbounded and pure zinc available compound forms a galvanic cell with the iron or steel thus forming a new compound called Zinc Oxide which acts as a protective coat against rusting. However, many of the galvanization compounds are not compatible with wetting agents, retardants and foams.
Interior tank coating is the preferred method of rust protection. The steel that is used for tank fabrication should have at least 1/8 inches of thickness. There may be some cases where the tanks are left untreated without any coatings for economical reasons. In such situations there are more chances for the tanks to undergo rusting if it is made up of mild steel like weaker materials. On the other hand, there is a new type of steel introduced in market termed as pickled, hot-rolled and oil treated steel. The specialty of this type of steel is that they are already subjected to rust and scale removal treatments like phosphatizing process otherwise called as phosphoric acid bath which makes them perfectly clean by default. Speaking about the corrosion resistance parameter, Carbon steel is probably the most successful material of construction ever developed. It is advisable for many reasons especially for carrying out a design, any doubts arise about the long-term adequacy of any particular size or thickness is a reasonably cost effective option.
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/home-improvement-articles/corrosion-resistant-rust-proofing-techniques-steel-tanks-279699.html
About Author:
Steel tanks are the objects which are needed to be fabricated carefully taking many aspects into consideration to ensure durability and better performance. The author is well known for his expertise and experience in steel tank fabrication and rust treatment techniques and facts.Author: Andrew Cooper