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Commonly Accepted Acne Cures
Dave Arnoldi
Most people all over the world have suffered with acne at least once in their lives. This must be the most embarrassing and inane skin condition to have. Acne sufferers have asked the question ‘Why Me?’ a couple of times while they were suffering with this skin condition. They’ve tried almost everything on the market and failed, as most over-the-counter medications for acne only relieve the symptoms for a little while. Just as you think your acne is under control, a recurrence of the pimples sprouts up, and you need to start the process all over again.
See the list below for the most accepted treatments for acne:Good HygieneEven though we should all know by now that bad hygiene is not the cause of acne, we still need to practise good personal cleanliness in order not to make existing acne any worse. Wash your skin at least twice a day with warm water and a mild soap. Avoid washing with harsh soaps and be gentle on your skin, as too much washing and scrubbing can worsen your acne condition.Over the counter cleansers and scrubsOver the counter cleansers and scrubs can be very effective for clearing up acne, it might not be a permanent solution but can make it a lot better for the short term. Take care to not over wash or scrub your skin! You can use a cleanser that contains salicylic acid possibly combined with benzoyl peroxide, however these ingredients are sometimes considered to dry out the skin more than is considered as healthy. Scrubs normally contain some sort of abrasive material, and by over washing, or scrubbing your skin, you can cause the sebaceous glands to be stimulated and cause them to produce more oil, which in turn will make your acne worse.Creams and ointmentsIt is very important to keep your skin moisturised, even if you suffer from acne. There are many different types of creams and ointments on the market, every one of them claiming to be the best. It can be very difficult to actually get the right one for your skin, so take care to not use a cream or ointment that is too greasy or oily; this can cause the pores to become blocked even more and will take longer to heal. Creams and ointments containing sulphur are believed to be very good for acne sufferers as it makes the skin softer.Vitamin Supplements Vitamin supplements aren’t just recommended for acne sufferers, they are good for everybody. Your skin depends on good nutrition. Vitamin A strengthens the protective tissues of the skin and can prevent acne from forming. Include chromium in your diet, as it is excellent for healing infections on the skin. Zink is an anti-bacterial agent and a necessary element in the oil-producing glands of the skin, so eat foods rich in Zink or take a Zink supplement.Good Habits Always practice good cleanliness habits when it comes to your skin. Wash your hands often as they touch other parts of your skin and can spread germs. Keep your hair clean and off your face as hair contains oils that can make your acne worse. Wash your pillow case often as it absorbs the oils while you sleep and can spread it back to your skin the next time you sleep on it. Do not pick or squeeze your pimples as the bacteria can spread to neighbouring pores and infect them making your acne worse, besides spreading to other pores, you can leave nasty looking scars behind.Always take care of your skin the best you can, it is the only one you have and it cannot be swopped or replaced.
For more information on other acne cures, take a look at
remedies for acne
. You can also subscibe to my FREE email based course which will provide you with daily advice on how to conquor your acne.
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