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Find Engineering Entrance Exams in India
Manish Sen
In the current era, Indian education sector has witnessed many progressive changes and technology has emerged as an indispensable part of it. Every year, numerous students dreams of getting enrolled into top engineering colleges in India. With cut throat competition and tedious entrance tests held for securing seat in reputed engineering colleges, it seems to be a herculean task to students to pass engineering exam in India like IIT JEE Exam, AIEEE 2013. But aspirants never lose hope and put their heart and soul to make it to the IIT and other reputed engineering colleges in the country.
Many different engineering entrance exams are held in India for making a gateway to renowned engineering colleges.
Some of the most popular engineering exams in India have been discussed below:
IIT JEE is the toughest engineering entrance exam in India that ensures admission into the most reputed set of engineering colleges in India. As the numbers of engineering candidates is always high in comparison to seats available for them, the institutes keep their selection procedure stringent to select only the cream of the students. For IIT JEE exam, one has to first appear in preliminary test. If one get through preliminary test with flying colours, and then there is need to pass a subjective test. If you pass through, both of these tests, you will be selected in IIT.
AIEEE 2013
All India Engineering exam or AIEEE 2013 is slightly easier than
. You need to be 12th pass with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics to be eligible for the exam. AIEEE exam makes you eligible to get enrolled into any national institute of technology and the government colleges in India. It is an objective type exam with three sections i.e. Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Once students pass AIEEE exam, a counselling session is held to allot colleges and institutes on the merit basis.
Engineering exams in private colleges
As the demand for engineering education is rising, there is a boom in number of private colleges offering engineering degree. There are entrance exams held for getting admission into these colleges as well, but they are easier as compared to IIT JEE exam and AIEEE 2013. Different states have different norms for entry into various engineering colleges in the state.
As engineering exams are truly challenging, the aspirants starts preparation much earlier. There are tons of coaching centres preparing students for IIT JEE exam and AIEEE 2013. These coaching institutes provide complete guidance and knowledge to help students in getting through any engineering entrance exam in India.
If you are planning a career in engineering, it is advisable to stay updated with the current updates on
Engineering Exams in India
. There are many sites that provide complete guidance as well as admission notifications for engineering entrance exam in India. You can also get right advice in choosing the best institute to prepare for any engineering entrance exam.
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