Tuesday, January 3, 2006 Two activists convicted for painting the words “NO WAR” in five-metre-high red letters on the highest sail of Sydney Opera House in March 2003, are facing court action again to prevent them from auctioning the equipment used to paint the controversial sign. Dr Will Saunders and David Burgess were sentenced to nine months periodic detention and […]
Debt Free Help Ask For It}
See More About: Best Financial Advice Debt Free Help Ask For It by Catherine Brown Being debt free is almost like a dream for some and more and more people are seeking help to become debt free. The concept of having credit available, using it wisely or not at all, saving religiously and planning for the future has become alien […]
Surgeons reattach boy’s three severed limbs
Tuesday, March 29, 2005A team of Australian surgeons yesterday reattached both hands and one foot to 10-year-old Perth boy, Terry Vo, after a brick wall which collapsed during a game of basketball fell on him, severing the limbs. The wall gave way while Terry performed a slam-dunk, during a game at a friend’s birthday party. The boy was today awake […]
Court finds South Yorkshire Chief Constable guilty of speeding
Wednesday, December 5, 2007 The Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police in England, Meredydd Hughes, was found guilty of speeding at Wrexham Magistrates Court today and banned from driving. He was caught driving at 90 mph where the speed limit was 60 mph. Wrexham Magistrates court disqualified Hughes from driving for 42 days and fined him £350. The Chief Constable […]
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See More About: Indoor Puppy Potty Coach Outlet Online Store padding insurance by Levi Boykin Today, lots of clinical professionals encourage individuals to employ ergonomic desk house furniture, and also for this beanbag desk chair really should be utilised. Make sure you obtain the correct capacity which can be barely enough to suit in your facts.Coach Handbags The High Priestess,Coach […]
Wikinews interviews Australian wheelchair basketball coach Tom Kyle
Tuesday, July 1, 2014 Toronto , Canada —What experiences makes a coach of an international sports team? Wikinews interviewed Tom Kyle, the coach of the Australia women’s national wheelchair basketball team, known as the Gliders, in Toronto for the 2014 Women’s World Wheelchair Basketball Championship. ((Wikinews)) Tell us about yourself. First of all, where were you born? Tom Kyle: I […]
Porsche and Volkswagen automakers agree to merger
Thursday, May 7, 2009 Porsche and Volkswagen family owners agreed on Wednesday to merge the companies, creating one large “integrated car-manufacturing group”. “In the final structure, 10 brands shall stand below an integrative leading company alongside each other, whereby the independence of all brands and explicitly also of Porsche shall be ensured,” said the Porsche Automobil Holding SE company. A […]
Startup web broadcaster Joost signs deal with Warner Brothers
Friday, May 11, 2007 Internet TV came one step closer to reality as startup web broadcaster Joost recently announced that it signed a deal with Warner Brothers to host some of its WBTV-branded content. This deal, along with content deals with other television providers, lately Time Warner and Sony Pictures Television, makes Joost (pronounced “juiced”) the sweetheart aggregator and provider […]
Revealing Root Aspects In Skittles Vodka
See More About: Smoking Pellets Australia Revealing Root Aspects In skittles vodka by Wallace Traux Cocktail is a form of mixed drink that\’s frenzied in almost all nations. Probably the large choice of world\’s most relaxing vacation spots. A wide variety of drinks are when combined vodka to make more effective cocktails. Guy, if you think maybe steering while intoxicated […]
Loss of integrity in underground city tunnel causes evacuation of Downtown Montreal
Sunday, August 26, 2007 A one-inch settlement of the roof of The Bay tunnel to the Montreal Metro caused authorities to evacuate 12 blocks of the Montreal downtown core. Several people noticed water infiltration in the tunnel over the last few days. On Friday, August 24, at 1 p.m., while investigating another water infiltration incident, The Bay employees noticed that […]