
This is the category for mining. Refresh this list to see the latest articles. 3 June 2016: Glencore announces Tahmoor mine in New South Wales to close 28 May 2014: Second sinkhole appears in Australian city this week 12 February 2014: Jade Rabbit lunar rover declared lost 25 April 2012: Disposal of fracking wastewater poses potential environmental problems 13 April […]

Wikinews interviews Australian Statistician Brian Pink

Monday, April 7, 2008 The Australian Bureau of Statistics is responsible for some of Australia’s largest surveys, including the Census of Population and Housing, held every five years. At its head is the Australian Statistician. The current Statistician, Brian Pink, started in his position on March 5, 2007, following the retirement of predecessor Dennis Trewin. Wikinews recently caught up with […]

Wikinews’ overview of the year 2007

Monday, December 31, 2007 What would you tell your grandchildren about 2007 if they asked you about it in, let’s say, 20 year’s time? If the answer to a quiz question was 2007, what would the question be? The year that you first signed on to Facebook? The year Britney Spears and Amy Winehouse fell apart? The year author Kurt […]

British police shoot man in anti-terrorism raid

Friday, June 2, 2006 At dawn this morning a team of 250 policemen stormed a building in Forest Gate, London, England. A part of the police teams were armed, while others were equipped with chemical weapons gear. Two men were arrested and one was shot in the raid made under the 2000 Terrorism Act. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Peter Clarke, the […]

Second migrant child within sixteen days dies in US custody

This article is a prepared story. It describes an event that is scheduled or expected but has not yet occurred.If this article is ready to be developed, change the {{prepare}} tag to {{develop}} This article is a prepared story. It describes an event that is scheduled or expected but has not yet occurred.If this article is ready to be developed, […]

Japan Airlines to relist shares

Saturday, January 7, 2012 Japan Airlines (JAL) is planning on relisting its shares in an IPO on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. By September, JAL shareholders intend to sell between ¥500 billion and ¥1 trillion (US$6.4b – US$12.8b, €5b – €10b). If the sale goes into high-end estimates, it will make JAL the largest airline in the world by market value. […]

Thai Buddhist meditation master sounds alarm on Internet induced climate change

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BDSM as business: An interview with the owners of a dungeon

Sunday, October 21, 2007 Torture proliferates American headlines today: whether its use is defensible in certain contexts and the morality of the practice. Wikinews reporter David Shankbone was curious about torture in American popular culture. This is the first of a two part series examining the BDSM business. This interview focuses on the owners of a dungeon, what they charge, […]

Cocaine found in frozen mango puree shipped to Montréal, Canada

Wednesday, June 20, 2007 The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) announced Tuesday that they had seized approximately 160 kilograms of cocaine discovered in buckets of frozen mango puree imported from Mexico. Investigations led the police to a shipping container destined for the Port of Montréal, in the Canadian province of Québec. A CBSA […]