Dental Implants A Dental Miracle

Submitted by: Randy Mark

Who doesn t want that perfect smile with all those white teeth flashing and intact? Unfortunately, as we age, so does our teeth. Hence, we do not remain in possession of the same dental health. Along the way, we meet a periodontal disease or some sort of injury and may lose one or more of our teeth. However, thanks to technology and the advancement in the dental field, which has solved all the problems associated with the loss of teeth. If at any point of time, you want to replace your unfortunate tooth/teeth, do not hesitate to visit Dentist, and inquire about dental implants.

A dental implant is an artificial root that is integrated into your gum to hold a customized tooth made for you in the place of lost tooth/teeth. Although, the dental procedure involves drilling holes into your jawbone, once you are done, you will not feel any difference between your original and artificial teeth. It is a stupendous dental discovery and allows people who have had some misfortune concerning their dental health to eat, speak, smile and talk with complete confidence and aplomb. They look so natural that you never even feel the difference. No longer do you have to be conscious in a poster session or a social event because of that empty slot in the row of your teeth.


If you have good oral health and a secure dental history so far, then this dental procedure would be suitable for you. Make an appointment and get the best dental advice possible about the dental implants. Your Dentist will advise you on your next dental approach. You will also know that dental implants are a safe and easy to opt and you do not have to worry about its impact on the neighboring teeth. Since your adjacent teeth are not used in the procedure to support implants, they are left intact and are in no way sacrificed. Moreover, dental implants help in making your jaw look complete. Unlike dentures and bridge work, the worry of bone loss or gum recession is completely eliminated in dental implants, giving you an aesthetically pleasing end result. And last, but definitely not the least, the success rate of dental implants is comparatively a whole lot higher than dentures and bridges.

Dental implants come with so many advantages; improved eating, improved talking, improved self-esteem, improved oral health, improved comfort, durable and convenient. Completely discarding the issue of removing the dentures, the permanency in dental implants assures you a convenient jaw and something that would last forever. Between you, your Dentist and Periodontist, you can decide the best location for your treatment, depending upon your oral health and the number of teeth missing. Hence, depending on these criteria, your Periodontist will come up with the best treatment plan for you. After the surgery is complete, you will be working closely with both your Dentist and Periodontist with their after treatment plans drawn up for you. Since, they are more or less like your original teeth; you have to look after them just the same way; by daily brushing and flossing. Not much fuss is required in taking care of them, as long as you are vigilant in your oral hygiene regime and periodic Dentist visits.

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